이민 분류

내일 새로운 이민 프로그램 및 TR to PR pathway에 대한 추측

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  • 166 조회
  • 3 댓글


1. 맨데이트 레터를 실행하기 위한 프로그램을 발표할 것임


2. 카테고리별 타겟드 드로우가 헬스, 건설, 운송 등의 노동력 부족을 해결하기 위해 적용 될 것임

3. 토론토, 벤커버, 몬트리올 등에 과밀화되는 이민자 집중을 해결하기 위고 시골지역에 노동력을 공급하기 위해 지역에 기존 PNP처럼 지역에 따라 뽑을 가능성

4. 새 TR to PR은 캐나다 내 거주 중인 국제학생과 외국인 노동력 중 이러한 조건 등의 특정 조건을 충족하는 사람들을 자동으로 영주권으로 전환할 수 있게 할 가능성. 다만, 모두가 해당되지는 않을 것임. 국제유학생을 지원하기 위한 성격이 강해서 워킹 홀리데이 등 다른 종류는 해당이 안될 가능성이 높음.

5. 올해 워크 퍼밋이 만료되는 국제학생들의 비자가 연장된 것처럼 특정 조건을 충족하면 (예를 들어, 캐나다 내에서 NOC O, A, B 직종에 일년 이상 풀타임 경력) 쉽게 워크 퍼밋 연장이 가능해지고 자연스럽게 조건이 충족되면 TR 에서 PR 전환될 가능성이 높음. 

 *개인적 추측으로 졸업 후 기본 영어 성적을 충족하고 근무 기간이 어느 시점을 넘어서면 PR로 전환되기 쉬운 구조로 해서 영주권을 따지 못해도 지속적으로 일을 할 수 있게 만들어 노동 공급을 안정화하려는게 아닐까 생각함

6. 기존 TR to PR pathway와 다르게 어느 정도 시간을 가지고 새 프로그램을 진행할 가능성이 높음

밑에 참고 자료를 정리했으니 보도록 하삼

Continue to bring newcomers to Canada to drive economic growth and recovery, as set out in the 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan.Expand the new immigration stream for human rights defenders and work with civil society groups to provide resettlement opportunities for people under threat.With the support of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, continue to facilitate the safe passage and resettlement of vulnerable people from Afghanistan, with an emphasis on individuals who supported Canada and our allies over the past two decades, women, LGBTQ2 people, human rights defenders, journalists and members of religious and ethnic minorities and increase the number of eligible refugees from 20,000 to at least 40,000.Reduce application processing times, including to address delays that have been impacted by COVID-19.Work to strengthen family reunification by introducing electronic applications for family reunification and implementing a program to issue temporary resident status to spouses and children abroad while they wait for the processing of their permanent residency application.Make the citizenship application process free for permanent residents who have fulfilled the requirements needed to obtain it.With the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, establish a Trusted Employer system for Canadian companies hiring temporary foreign workers and, as part of improving the Global Talent Stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, simplify permit renewals, uphold the two-week processing time and establish an employer hotline. Continue to work with provinces, territories and regulatory bodies to improve foreign credential recognition.Build on existing pilot programs to further explore ways of regularizing status for undocumented workers who are contributing to Canadian communities.Continue working with Quebec to support the French-language knowledge of immigrants in Quebec, respecting provincial jurisdiction and complementing existing measures, and continue to implement an ambitious national strategy to support Francophone immigration across the country.Lead the Government’s work on irregular migration, including continued work with the United States to modernize the Safe Third Country Agreement.Expand pathways to Permanent Residence for international students and temporary foreign workers through the Express Entry system. With respect to pathways for agricultural temporary foreign workers, you will be supported in this work by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food.Building on the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot, work with employers and communities across Canada to welcome 2,000 skilled refugees to fill labour shortages in high-demand sectors such as health care.Ensure that immigration better supports small- and medium-size communities that require additional immigrants to enhance their economic growth and social vibrancy. This will include expanding the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot, moving forward on the Municipal Nominee Program and making the successful Atlantic Immigration Pilot a permanent program.





댓글 3

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추가로 첨언하자면 션 프레이저에 따르면 올해 하반기부터 가장 높은 스코어를 받는 사람이 아닌 섹터와 지역에 따라 뽑는 방식으로 갈 것임. 그리고 더 많은 파일럿 프로그램이 확대 및 소개 될 것임

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