브리타는 석회는 못걸러....
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물론 나도 단순히 그렇게 생각하던 1인중 하나였는데
그렇지 않다는 얘기를 듣고 검색해보니
진짜로 석회는 못거름.
브리타제품라인중에 무슨 다른 전문 제품이 있는지는 모르겠는데 일반적으로 월마트에 파는 그 필터갈아낄수있는 물통형 말하는거임.
항간에 "브리타 hard water(석회수)에도 된다는데?" 말이 도는건
"They work on hard water the same as they do on soft water. However, they do not soften the water."
에서 앞부분때문에 그러는 것임.
Hard water(석회수)를 넣어도 필터(석회말고 다른물질 필터링)이 작동한다는 것이지
석회를 거른다는 얘기가 아님...
석회 거르려면 water softener가 필요한데 브리타는 softener가 아니라 필터임.... 물론 아예 안거르는것보다야 낫겠지만
softened drinking water 전문회사들 많고 배달해주는데도 많으니까 그런데 이용하거나 생수먹는게 가장 안전함
"The Brita manufacturer claims that their Brita conventional filters include filter pitchers, faucet filters, dispensers, water bottles, etc. (Standard filter device, Longlast filter device, or Stream filter device), do not typically soften very hard water."
"Virtually zero filtering of hard water, if any at all using carbon based filter products."
"If you run hard water through a Brita, the filtered water will be softer than it was, as it does remove SOME of the calcium and magnesium in the water. But it by no means takes all the calcium and magnesium out."
"No, Brita is activated charcoal, it has no affinity for charged species like Calcium and Magnesium ions. It removes some pesticides, some VOCs. However, it also has a limited amount of ion exchanger, so it may remove a little bit of them. But ion exchangers have a limited capacity that starts to go down as soon as you trap some ions. If you really have a hard water problem, use a water softener or and RO."
"Brita doesn’t filter the hard water."
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